Brandon Estate + Northfield House // Client : Southwark Council

Brief: To create and install a series of murals that celebrated the unique character of the Brandon Estate in Southwark, London.

Collaborating closely with Southwark Council and local steering groups within the estate, we held a series of workshops with local residents and schools to develop a series of murals to compliment the existing regenerative works that were being held throughout the Estate. A combined focus of the Council and residents was the continued development of the community gardens and improvements to the surrounding parks. The mural designs were to reflect this with a diverse range of flowers, fauna and insects.

A smaller and more accessible garden for residents housed a selection of vegetables and herbs, we designed and painted a floral piece that would compliment the space in the residential area. Another area of focus was the children’s play park and sports courts of the Estate. Through the various workshops a design was created that included images of various activities and sports, animated characters were held together by one continuous line that represents the unified community and resident of the Estate.

In collaboration with artist Hixxy and The London Mural Company.